Lee Min Ho Ikut Berduka dengan Tragedi Kanjuruhan

- 3 Oktober 2022, 13:30 WIB
Melalui Akun Instagramnya, Lee Min Ho Ucapkan Bela Sungkawa Atas Tragedi Olahraga Kanjuruhan Malang
Melalui Akun Instagramnya, Lee Min Ho Ucapkan Bela Sungkawa Atas Tragedi Olahraga Kanjuruhan Malang /Instagram @actorleeminho

Kebanyakan dari para netizen terkejut karena berita tentang tragedi Kanjuruhan sudah menyebar ke seluruh dunia, dan tentunya di Korea Selatan.

Berikut ini beberapa komentar dari warga Indonesia yang menjadi penggemar Lee Min Ho.

"Kagett woi mas Limin ngepost gini," tulis akun @dinda.***

"Shock bgt, ternyata kabarnya sampe Korsel????" kata akun @its.***

Akun yesl*** menulis,"This is the chronology : so Arema (malang) and Persebaya (Surabaya) are rival each other. Every time that 2 Football club meet each other, they will have a high tension. Unfortunately Arema loss the match against Persebaya in their own Home. After that the supporter of Arema get in to the pitch and the situation became anarchist, so the Police use gas bomb to break the mass in that stadium. But when the supporter are about to go out from the stadium, they only using 1 gate, so the situation was getting chaos, many supporters are being stepped by each other and lacks of oxygen, so more than 150 people died because of that. Anyway, thanks Lee minho for your condolences to our Country ❤️."

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"Ya alloohh malu bet aku sbg warga indo, sampe mas limin aja tau ????????," [email protected]***

"Ya Allah sampe leeminho tau dong ???? makasih oppaa" tulis akun @myprelovedstuff_***.

Ada salah satu suporter yang selamat dalam tragedi ini, dirinya juga ikut mengomentari unggahan Lee Min Ho tersebut, dan seperti ia agak trauma dengan kejadian tersebut.

"Terimakasih ayang... Aku berhasil keluar stadion dengan selamat.. Skrg aku mau pensiun jadi suporter.. Mohon doanya utk saudara2ku ya ayang????" jelas akun @dhealaundryjasinga.


Editor: Rifki Abdul Fahmi


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